Acknowledgements and permissions

  • This website was created with the support of MIT SkolTech Grant for Russian Studies at Global Languages, MIT. We appreciate the ongoing support of Russian language education by Global Languages and MIT SkolTech Program! Special thanks to Joseph Borkowski, Global Languages System Administrator and Instructional Technologist, for helpful consultations and advice on building the website.

  • Many thanks to our family members and friends who shared their pictures: Natalia Sankova, Nadezhda Nekrasova, Tatyana Nikolskaya.

  • Last but not least, we would like to thank our students and conversation partners for providing continued inspiration for our work! We look forward to hearing from you as we develop this website.

This website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

In summary this means that you can share, adapt and copy the Телемосты materials only as long as you:

  • give appropriate attribution and link our website

  • indicate whether you have changed the materials

  • use these materials only for non-commercial purposes via a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

This constitutes a summary of the creative commons license. To use this material refer to the full licensing rules on the creative commons website.

Image sources:

  1. Featured photography by Студия промышленной фотографии ( Please refer to this page for copyright information of our featured images.

  2. Unsplash

  3. Wikimedia commons

  4. RIA Novosti

  5. Personal collections of site creators